Campfire Legends - The Hookman is an incredible hidden-object game that tells the story of an urban legend in which a girl has been kidnapped by a hookman. You are told this story as you are required to find different objects scattered around the scenes and use them to perform different tasks. You often need more than one object to overcome an obstacle and the items can be found in several locations. Sometimes, you will need to solve a puzzle or unlock new locations to find the item you are looking for.
The scenes are very well-created and the objects are perfectly hidden to make the game challenging and fun. If you need help finding an object, you have to find fireflies that are hidden in different scenes. When found, these fireflies will show you where an item is or will give you a tip on which location a hidden item is in.
The game features excellent detailed and attractive graphics with spooky music and realistic sound effects that make the game extremely enjoyable and create the perfect atmosphere to scare the hell out of you.
All in all, if you are looking for an excellent hidden-object game, full of puzzles and challenging mini-games, and with an intriguing and spooky story, Campfire Legends - The Hookman is perfect for you.